
Digital & Innovation

Embedding customer experience (CX) at the heart of your organisation: AbbVie’s Head of Strategy and Innovation

Health Industry Hub | October 3, 2024 |

In this podcast, Mahesh Malalage, Head of Strategy and Innovation at AbbVie ANZ, unveiled insights into the pivotal role of customer experience (CX) within organisational strategy. Emphasising the blueprint for CX to become the heart of the company, Malalage highlighted why so few companies claim to be excel at CX.

AbbVie ANZ has made CX a top priority in the last few years, marking a transformative journey underscored by notable milestones.

“Sponsorship and role modelling from our leaders is very important…to engage the hearts and minds of our people,” he emphasised.

Reflecting on AbbVie’s global initiative in the past six months, Malalage detailed its local impact, showcasing advancements in CX strategy. He posed critical questions, asking “What is the common measure of success? How would we know when we’ve actually been successful?”

For AbbVie ANZ, success is defined by both internal cohesion and external stakeholder fulfilment, ensuring a harmonious alignment of strategic goals.

“A lot of people talk about omnichannel transformation as being customer experience transformation. At AbbVie ANZ, it’s always been more than that and a holistic approach to everything we do,” Malalage explained.

Offering advice to organisations navigating their CX journey, Malalage advocated for an approach that embeds CX seamlessly into corporate DNA, fostering sustainable growth and meaningful relationships both internal and externally.

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